While running for some Tutti Melon before my shift started, a 60-year-old woman passed me and said, "Woooo nice legs! Look at those!!" I was shocked by this response because usually older woman give me the stink-eye when I'm wearing lace.
And THEN- a bald man carrying a ton of Banana Republic (sigh) bags said, "nice outfit." In the NON-sarcastic way.
What? Could it be? Genuine compliments? How lovely!
So easy so say I felt really confident wearing this.
Of course this confidence was shattered by constructive criticism What I Wore Today goers commented on my outfit- but forget the haters and love who you are, that's what I believe (or in this case, what you wear).
These penny loafers are ready to expire- they are tattered, water damaged and worn.
But I simply can't give them up- they are comfortable, conveniently match this belt and have a spot in my heart.
So ignore the nasty loafers in this photo, I suppose.
So- unitards.
WEIRD!!! Right? Sure they are.
But I'm happy to say they are so comfortable!
When I get home, I like to lounge around my room in this unitard, it's a great confidence booster :)
Special thanks to Rob for taking my photo!